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What to expect when you study an MA in China and Regional Studies

What to expect when you study an MA in China and Regional Studies


Updated September 25, 2024 Updated September 25

Sponsored by Lingnan University

Over the past few decades, China’s rise and prominence as an economic and geopolitical powerhouse has influenced and redefined its relationship with other regional powers in East and South East Asia.

But what can we learn from this and can different perspectives give a more comprehensive understanding of China’s dominance in international affairs?

In September 2021, Lingnan University’s School of Graduate Studies will launch a new MA in China and Regional Studies.

“China has a vision for a new world order,” explains Programme Director Professor Yu Kar Ming. “But we would like to get our students thinking ahead about the types of changes that will come about due to the rise, and influence, of China.”

What you will learn

To enrich its analysis of China's engagement with its neighbours in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as with African nations, the MA in China and Regional Studies offers courses in a range of disciplines, including political science, cultural studies, sociology, economics as well as urban studies.

The programme has been designed to touch upon current issues – both longstanding and new – according to Professor Yu. To provide a deeper understanding of such issues, students will have the opportunity to examine them in-depth in the context of international relations theory and take part in a related simulation exercise.

“Students will play a role – for example, as the UN, the United States or China – to discover how a crisis should be handled,” said Professor Yu.

The programme also introduces students to the cultural differences and similarities between China and other regions. During the programme, students will have the choice to specialise in China and Africa studies, or China and East Asian studies. This underlines the importance of understanding how such cultural principles “influence international relations as well as person-to-person engagements and activities”, explained Associate Programme Director, Dr Padmore A. Amoah.

In this regard, Lingnan University’s ideal location – both physically and culturally – in Hong Kong with its fusion of Eastern and Western traditions and easy access to mainland China, offers unique benefits to students who study there.

How you will learn

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lingnan has introduced a comprehensive hybrid learning system giving students the opportunity to pursue their learning online or on campus. In addition, students have the choice to complete the MA in 12 months or 24 months which offers even greater flexibility when it comes to their learning.

The MA comprises of lecture-based modules and experiential learning opportunities – some of which focus on international academic conferences where scholars are invited to speak about and share their latest research.

When it comes to the students’ own research projects, they will be able to undertake relevant fieldwork and site visits in the Asia-Pacific region to expand their academic horizons and academic development – circumstances permitting. Should international travel not be possible, virtual tours and online alternatives will be arranged.

With a dedicated teaching and learning center to support the programme’s blended learning structure and online teaching delivery, there is also a quality assurance committee in place to oversee and monitor the overall teaching quality, according to Professor Yu.

Graduate with the skills and knowledge to pursue an international career path

Students who graduate with the MA in China and Regional Studies will be equipped with the specialised knowledge to critically analyse China’s global and regional political, economic and technological relations spanning East Asia and Africa.

As a result, the opportunity to pursue an international career path in a range of fields is a real possibility – including the civil service, journalism, public relations, private or public sector organisations including NGOs, education and tourism.

This article was originally published in June 2021 . It was last updated in September 2024

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