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Why You Should Study at a US University

Why You Should Study at a US University

Meg Dye

Updated January 16, 2020 Updated January 16

Moving abroad is a huge decision. Starting university is a huge decision. Why not, for at least one part of the university course, combine the two? The US is a huge country, with each state being incredibly different to its neighbor - so the vast range of study abroad experiences available to you in the US is staggering.

Living and studying in another country is challenging and it requires courage and a positive attitude. However, it's an experience that people and employers will recognize, as it can massively help with your personal development.

If you're considering spending a semester (or more) of your studies abroad, here are five reasons why you should consider studying in the US.


Campus life is unlike anywhere else in the world

Major US colleges are pretty much all based on campuses. This creates a familiar, homely atmosphere - you study, live, learn, and party all on your campus. It's your home, and it's entirely different to most universities in the world.

There are a huge range of activities at US universities which can enhance your experience, from sports teams, to fraternities and sororities - the list is endless. If you've ever seen an American teen movie, you'll have caught a glimpse of this world already. Even though universities elsewhere in the world also have sports teams and societies, their American counterparts are completely unique.

Studying here looks great on your CV

The US is home to one of the world's finest education systems as well as its top universities, with excellent programs across all disciplines. At undergraduate level, outstanding program options are available in conventional subjects as well as professional fields.

This is all enhanced by the fact you're getting this education miles away from home - future recruiters will see this and massively respect you and understand both the mental and emotional strength you need to possess in order to choose to study so far from home.

There's limitless academic flexibility

The US has a huge range of degree options available at its universities, along with cutting-edge technology and world renowned professors. This combination of academic prestige and a wide selection of academic majors and minors means you can find the perfect academic program for you. This fleixibility is completely different to the highly structured degree programs in other countries and it's a great way to expose yourself to different types of learning.

As your studies develop, you can combine a huge variety of subjects - such as contemporary jazz with engineering. This means courses can be combined to create an elite degree tailored to obtaining the perfect post university career.

You'll meet people from all over the world

International students, especially those who are on a year abroad, tend to have a huge range of support both from their home university, and their chosen university for the year. This means socials, trips, and lots of opportunities to meet new friends.

These new friends will literally be from all over the world, particularly in the US which is such an attractive destination for the world's best students. As a result, studying in the US is a great way to immerse yourselves in so many different cultures and experience new things.

Be a tourist in your spare time

In most cases, a study abroad year is viewed by universities as a ‘break year’, which means the course is either pass or fail. As a result, you don't have to worry about getting top, top marks, which is fantastic. This means the stress of doing your degree subsides for a while, and you can fully embrace American culture.

Those long holidays can be filled with exploring the west coast of the US, or hiking through one of the many beautiful national parks the US has to offer. Studying abroad in the US is a great way to see the country's top sights in a way that's much easier than it will be once you're working full-time.

This article was originally published in June 2019 . It was last updated in January 2020

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