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Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

123, Gwangju

  • #=359 QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • Very HighResearch Output
  • 1,830Total Students
  • 191Faculty
  • 155Int'l Students


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GIST welcomes you, pioneers of advanced science and technology! The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology is a research-oriented institute established by the Korean government in 1993, and through the Ministry of Science and Technology is providing full financial support to students in order to foster scientific technologists with advanced leadership skills. In the 26-year history of its establishment, GIST's research and education are evolving towards world-class levels.
To enhance our competitiveness, GIST has carefully selected leading fields of science and technology, which includes Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Life Science, Physics and Photon Science, Chemistry, Biomedical Science and Engineering, Nanobio Materials and Electronics, Integrated Technology, and Artificial Intelligence. In addition, students admitted to GIST have privileges of full scholarship, complementary accommodation (including dormitory or apartment), supplementary research funds among the others.
In 2010, GIST opened its doors to undergraduate students. GIST is the first university in the nation to adopt an innovative system providing a comprehensive, foundational science curriculum to serve as a stepping stone for research into a wide variety of science and engineering fields.


GIST welcomes you, pioneers of advanced science and technology! The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology is a research-oriented institute established by the Korean government in 1993, and through the Ministry of Science and Technology is providing full financial support to students in order to foster scientific technologists with advanced leadership skills. In the 26-year history of its establishment, GIST's research and education are evolving towards world-class levels.
To enhance our competitiveness, GIST has carefully selected leading fields of science and technology, which includes Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering, Life Science, Physics and Photon Science, Chemistry, Biomedical Science and Engineering, Nanobio Materials and Electronics, Integrated Technology, and Artificial Intelligence. In addition, students admitted to GIST have privileges of full scholarship, complementary accommodation (including dormitory or apartment), supplementary research funds among the others.
In 2010, GIST opened its doors to undergraduate students. GIST is the first university in the nation to adopt an innovative system providing a comprehensive, foundational science curriculum to serve as a stepping stone for research into a wide variety of science and engineering fields.

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations


123 , Gwangju , South Korea , 61005

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Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) basic Public Very High 10 no 155 S EN