Chinese Culture University


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  • MediumResearch Output
  • 22,898Total Students
  • 988Faculty
  • 1,003Int'l Students


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This University was founded in 1962. Its founder, Prof. Dr. Chang Chi-Yun, had graduated from the Division of History and Geography of National Nanjing Higher Normal School (later renamed National Central University and Nanjing University). Formerly Professor at Zhong Yang University, and Director of the College of History at National Zhejiang University, he had become Dean of the Faculty of Literature. In 1943, Prof. Chang was invited by the U.S. State Department to study two years as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. After he came to Taiwan in 1949, he became a representative of the First National Assembly, General Secretary of the National Party (Kuomintang) Central Committee, Head of the Education Ministry, Director of the College for Studies on National Defense, and more. Among the most well-reputed and famous international scholars, Prof. Chang has been acknowledged for his achievements by many institutions worldwide, in receiving the Medal of Honor from the Seton Hall University, and St. John’s University, both U.S.A.; an Honorary Doctorate for Literature of Kyung Hee University, Korea; and the precious Imperial Seal of Japan.


This University was founded in 1962. Its founder, Prof. Dr. Chang Chi-Yun, had graduated from the Division of History and Geography of National Nanjing Higher Normal School (later renamed National Central University and Nanjing University). Formerly Professor at Zhong Yang University, and Director of the College of History at National Zhejiang University, he had become Dean of the Faculty of Literature. In 1943, Prof. Chang was invited by the U.S. State Department to study two years as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. After he came to Taiwan in 1949, he became a representative of the First National Assembly, General Secretary of the National Party (Kuomintang) Central Committee, Head of the Education Ministry, Director of the College for Studies on National Defense, and more. Among the most well-reputed and famous international scholars, Prof. Chang has been acknowledged for his achievements by many institutions worldwide, in receiving the Medal of Honor from the Seton Hall University, and St. John’s University, both U.S.A.; an Honorary Doctorate for Literature of Kyung Hee University, Korea; and the precious Imperial Seal of Japan.

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