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  • #=401 QS Global World Ranking
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Russia’s Kazan Federal University (KFU) offers a great number of master’s degrees and doctoral programs, including:

  • Mathematics;
  • Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies (Data Science);
  • Geology (Stratigraphy of Oil and Gas Basins);
  • Petroleum Engineering;
  • And many more programs, listed here.

Master’s degree programs at KFU require two years of full-time study and the duration of PhD programs is 3 years of full-time study.

Admission requirements for master’s degree

To be eligible for a master’s degree program at Kazan Federal University, you must:

1. Have completed a bachelor's degree (or specialist diploma);

2. Prove your Russian language proficiency (minimum TORFL-2) – if the program is taught in Russian;

3. Pass the entrance examination, which features a Russian language test and a test in basic subject relevant to the academic field chosen.

KFU provides courses in Preparatory school for those students who have little or no knowledge of the Russian language before they begin Russian-taught degree programs. Within 10 months of pre-university instruction, students gain the Russian language proficiency that meets the demands of CEFR level B1 or TORFL level 1, study in a chosen academic field (“professional profiles”) and adapt to the new educational environment and routine life. Upon completing Preparatory School, students are expected to be ready to enter the Russian-taught full-degree programs at KFU and other Russian institutions of higher education. Full information about available programs can be found here.

Admission requirements for doctoral programs

In Russia the doctoral degree system is two-tier: First doctoral degree (“Candidate of Science in …”) and Second doctoral degree (“Doctor of Science in …”).

Admissions for first doctoral degree:

  • Specialist diploma or a master’s degree;
  • Russian language proficiency (min torfl-2).

Studies last 3 years and they prepare students for research and professorial activities. Students must acquire skills in teaching methods and information technology, and pass qualifying exams in foreign language, history of sciences and in specialization. The program includes independent research as well as preparation and public defense of a thesis. After graduation students get diploma of a researcher and after preparation and public defense of the thesis, the candidate is awarded the first doctoral degree (“Candidate of Science”).

Second doctoral degree is an individual program with no fixed duration. It follows the degree “Candidate of Science”. After advanced research, preparation and public defense of the thesis, the candidate is awarded the second doctoral degree (“Doctor of Science”).

Engage with KFU on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Get all the latest info and updates about KFU in Admission unit of the International department.


Russia’s Kazan Federal University (KFU) offers a great number of master’s degrees and doctoral programs, including:

  • Mathematics;
  • Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies (Data Science);
  • Geology (Stratigraphy of Oil and Gas Basins);
  • Petroleum Engineering;
  • And many more programs, listed here.

Master’s degree programs at KFU require two years of full-time study and the duration of PhD programs is 3 years of full-time study.

Admission requirements for master’s degree

To be eligible for a master’s degree program at Kazan Federal University, you must:

1. Have completed a bachelor's degree (or specialist diploma);

2. Prove your Russian language proficiency (minimum TORFL-2) – if the program is taught in Russian;

3. Pass the entrance examination, which features a Russian language test and a test in basic subject relevant to the academic field chosen.

KFU provides courses in Preparatory school for those students who have little or no knowledge of the Russian language before they begin Russian-taught degree programs. Within 10 months of pre-university instruction, students gain the Russian language proficiency that meets the demands of CEFR level B1 or TORFL level 1, study in a chosen academic field (“professional profiles”) and adapt to the new educational environment and routine life. Upon completing Preparatory School, students are expected to be ready to enter the Russian-taught full-degree programs at KFU and other Russian institutions of higher education. Full information about available programs can be found here.

Admission requirements for doctoral programs

In Russia the doctoral degree system is two-tier: First doctoral degree (“Candidate of Science in …”) and Second doctoral degree (“Doctor of Science in …”).

Admissions for first doctoral degree:

  • Specialist diploma or a master’s degree;
  • Russian language proficiency (min torfl-2).

Studies last 3 years and they prepare students for research and professorial activities. Students must acquire skills in teaching methods and information technology, and pass qualifying exams in foreign language, history of sciences and in specialization. The program includes independent research as well as preparation and public defense of a thesis. After graduation students get diploma of a researcher and after preparation and public defense of the thesis, the candidate is awarded the first doctoral degree (“Candidate of Science”).

Second doctoral degree is an individual program with no fixed duration. It follows the degree “Candidate of Science”. After advanced research, preparation and public defense of the thesis, the candidate is awarded the second doctoral degree (“Doctor of Science”).

Engage with KFU on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Get all the latest info and updates about KFU in Admission unit of the International department.

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2012
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.


The Scholarships above offer some form of financial aid to prospective students. Please always check the specific requirements and restrictions on scholarship availability.

Campus locations

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlyovskaya st. , Kazan , Republic of Tatarstan , Russia , 420008

English language requirements

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University EN