5 Amazing Careers You Can Do With a Master's in Management

5 Amazing Careers You Can Do With a Master's in Management

Stephanie Lukins

Updated January 17, 2023 Updated January 17

Sponsored by IE Business School

A master’s in management degree (MiM) can widen your career prospects and open the door to an excellent salary and job security. The knowledge of management, business, finance and marketing gained from a MiM can make you a desirable and valuable asset for future employers.

Pursuing a career in management means you can shape and develop your unique and transferable skill set attained from your MiM accordingly to your desired career path. Careers in management can be found across the private, public and voluntary sectors, with opportunities to branch out into areas of media, entertainment, technology as well as the more expected areas of finance and banking.

IE Business School is committed to integrating technology into its everyday education, and offers its students a modern business school learning experience, equipping them with the knowledge and experience to take on the challenges of a rapid digital transformation. 

A considerable 41 percent of IE Business School graduates have gone into marketing and sales, 20 percent into finance and accounting, 16 percent into consulting and nine percent into general management. A further seven percent have gone onto operations and logistics while three percent work in information and technology and two percent in human resources.

Should you wish to pursue a career in management, you should be able to grasp the workings and understandings of technology and how it can impact organizations, businesses and companies, as it’s fast-becoming both an invaluable and crucial factor within the world of management.

Using data from PayScale, read on to find out about some of the amazing careers you can do with a master’s in management.

Management consultant

Average salary: $84,963 in the US

A career in management consultancy is one of the more obvious career paths you can pursue with a master’s in management.

As a management consultant you’ll offer strategic and expert advice in order to help a business, organization or company improve their productivity and overall performance.

To do this, you’ll have to carry out sufficient research and data collection in order to gain an understanding of the business’ goals, to then resolve any issues, risks and problems by presenting recommendations and implement any improvements that are necessary.

This is a very client orientated role, where you’ll work in project teams. You should therefore be comfortable working under minimal supervision, and be able to cope with a high level of responsibility and authority.

Project manager

Average salary: $58,570 in the US

If you enjoy being organized and organizing others, have strong communication and negotiation skills, and the ability to use initiative and make decisions under pressure, then a career as a project manager could be for you.

From working in construction, to marketing to healthcare, project managers are responsible for managing a project, ensuring that the client’s desired goal is achieved all whilst sticking to a strict timeframe and budget.

Using IT and other technology systems to analyze budgets, teams and resources, you’ll also monitor progress to implement changes where necessary and ensure that standards are met.

At the end of every project, you’ll either report to the client, or senior manager to evaluate the success of the project, and set targets for future projects based on previous project performances.

Social media manager

Average salary: $49,015 in the US

As the use of social media accelerates in today’s digital marketing and technological world, so does the demand for jobs within the industry.

As a social media manager, you’ll have a strong understanding of web development strategy, what makes good web design, and how multimedia content can be used to boost an organization’s reputation and visibility.

You should also have an understanding of how social media can be used effectively within social media marketing, as well as other creative elements such as managing projects and campaigns, planning, creating and outsourcing multimedia content and delivery.

Using tools such as Google Analytics, it is the social media manager’s responsibility to report and analyze data surrounding social media performance. As a social media manager, you’ll develop and implement strategies for social media marketing to increase brand awareness and effective client and customer engagement.

Business development manager

Average salary: $70,995 in the US

A career as a business development manager may not seem as obvious as other career paths when trying to make the most of your master’s in management degree. But if you have a genuine interest in supporting businesses with the ability to make the most of your own experience across a range of specialisms such as management, business, finance and marketing, working as a business consultant may be the ideal career for you.

A business development manager is the driving force behind sales and contacts, as they’re tasked with the job of developing the business side of an organization, and helping it grow and achieve its full potential.

Having a good understanding of technology will also ensure you have a competitive advantage, as you’ll have to carry out meticulous and strategic planning to increase the business’ profitability or position within the market.

You must also have the ability to combine your knowledge of management along with analytical and communication skills, as you’ll build and maintain positive working relations with all contacts, including clients and suppliers.

As a business development manager, you’ll be able to specialize in almost any sector, including: information technology, manufacturing or telecommunications.


This is where you can take advantage of the skills, expertise and knowledge from your master’s in management degree. For those who have an entrepreneurial mindset you can combine your own personal interests and management know-how skills and knowledge to develop a venture of your very own. Although there is no specific way to become an entrepreneur, your master’s in management degree can definitely benefit you.

At IE Business School, MiM students have the opportunity to visit Tel-Aviv in Israel, as part of the business school’s, Global Immersion Week. This international trip offers MiM students the chance to further develop their understanding of the global business world and managerial skills.

Where to begin

Based in Spain’s sunny capital, Madrid, the IE Business School’s master’s in management program is for recent university graduates and young professionals who have only a maximum of two years of experience in the industry. The program itself is innovative and challenging – and is designed for those who wish to fast-track their career in management. It is a 10-month full-time course which is taught in both English and Spanish.

This article was originally published on November 1st, 2018. 

This article was originally published in November 2018 . It was last updated in January 2020

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As the sponsored content writer for TopUniversities.com and TopMBA.com , Stephanie creates and publishes a wide range of articles for universities and business schools across the world. She attended the University of Portsmouth where she earned a BA in English Language and an MA in Communication and Applied Linguistics. 

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