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Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen Campus, Wageningen

  • #=155 QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • Very HighResearch Output
  • 15,406Total Students
  • 3,097Faculty
  • 4,681Int'l Students


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Wageningen University & Research offers 6 English-taught bachelor's programmes in the domain of healthy food and living environment. You can be admitted to one of our bachelor's programmes if you have the right pre-education and meet the language requirements. Below you can find the general admission requirements. You can find the details about the requirements on the website.

General admission requirements

Personal education

At Wageningen University & Research you are ensured personal guidance throughout your student career. This allows you to make the most of all the study options provided. Studying in Wageningen guarantees you a premium quality education and an international quality benchmark on your curriculum vitae. As a result, students have no problems finding internships, challenging work experience opportunities and career opportunities around the world.

International top campus

With 70.000 m2, Wageningen Campus equals the size of 11 soccer fields. It offers excellent student facilities and it is a place where students, teachers, researchers and staff from all over the world come together and exchange ideas. There are various places where you can meet fellow students for drinks, coffee or lunch.

"When I visited the campus, it was everything that I could have wished for. The campus breathes life sciences."  - Julia, MSc student Plant Science from Delaware

Because Wageningen University & Research is world known, a lot of international students come to the university. There are students from over 103 different countries, there leads to a large international community in Wageningen. There are more than 20 international associations you can join. One of them is ISOW, the international student organisation. They offer courses, events, and excursions. Or IxESN, the Erasmus Student Network. Who have a buddy programme, excursions, festivities and more. 

Wageningen City

Wageningen is a small city with almost 40.000 inhabitants from over 160 different countries and is centrally located in the Netherlands. Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague are only a one-hour train ride away. The campus of Wageningen University & Research is within cycling distance.

The city is surrounded by beautiful green nature. You can relax on the riverbanks of the Rhine river, wander through the forest or hang out in the city centre. Here you can find historic and modern buildings, high-rise student flats, works of art and botanical gardens that all add to the diversity of Wageningen.

If you would like to apply for one of the programmes of Wageningen University & Research you can fill out an application online. Depending on your country of residence and the programme of your choice there are different application requirements and deadlines. On the website, you can read how to apply for a programme.

Find more information about:

In total there are 53.364 graduates of the university of Wageningen University & Research. There are 40.488 Dutch graduates and 12.876 international graduates. Of international graduates 76% works outside the Netherlands. 46% of the total number of graduates is female. Graduates of the university are welcomed by a wide variety of organisations and work within a broad range of disciplines. Thanks to the high rankings of the university, graduates have an international quality benchmark on their curriculum vitae which makes them a good candidate for finding a job after graduating. 

Reference day: 1 October 2019


Wageningen University & Research offers 6 English-taught bachelor's programmes in the domain of healthy food and living environment. You can be admitted to one of our bachelor's programmes if you have the right pre-education and meet the language requirements. Below you can find the general admission requirements. You can find the details about the requirements on the website.

General admission requirements

Personal education

At Wageningen University & Research you are ensured personal guidance throughout your student career. This allows you to make the most of all the study options provided. Studying in Wageningen guarantees you a premium quality education and an international quality benchmark on your curriculum vitae. As a result, students have no problems finding internships, challenging work experience opportunities and career opportunities around the world.

International top campus

With 70.000 m2, Wageningen Campus equals the size of 11 soccer fields. It offers excellent student facilities and it is a place where students, teachers, researchers and staff from all over the world come together and exchange ideas. There are various places where you can meet fellow students for drinks, coffee or lunch.

"When I visited the campus, it was everything that I could have wished for. The campus breathes life sciences."  - Julia, MSc student Plant Science from Delaware

Because Wageningen University & Research is world known, a lot of international students come to the university. There are students from over 103 different countries, there leads to a large international community in Wageningen. There are more than 20 international associations you can join. One of them is ISOW, the international student organisation. They offer courses, events, and excursions. Or IxESN, the Erasmus Student Network. Who have a buddy programme, excursions, festivities and more. 

Wageningen City

Wageningen is a small city with almost 40.000 inhabitants from over 160 different countries and is centrally located in the Netherlands. Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague are only a one-hour train ride away. The campus of Wageningen University & Research is within cycling distance.

The city is surrounded by beautiful green nature. You can relax on the riverbanks of the Rhine river, wander through the forest or hang out in the city centre. Here you can find historic and modern buildings, high-rise student flats, works of art and botanical gardens that all add to the diversity of Wageningen.

If you would like to apply for one of the programmes of Wageningen University & Research you can fill out an application online. Depending on your country of residence and the programme of your choice there are different application requirements and deadlines. On the website, you can read how to apply for a programme.

Find more information about:

In total there are 53.364 graduates of the university of Wageningen University & Research. There are 40.488 Dutch graduates and 12.876 international graduates. Of international graduates 76% works outside the Netherlands. 46% of the total number of graduates is female. Graduates of the university are welcomed by a wide variety of organisations and work within a broad range of disciplines. Thanks to the high rankings of the university, graduates have an international quality benchmark on their curriculum vitae which makes them a good candidate for finding a job after graduating. 

Reference day: 1 October 2019

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2012
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations

Wageningen Campus, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, Wageningen, NL,

Wageningen Campus , Wageningen , Netherlands , 6700 HB

English language requirements

Wageningen University & Research EN