Sudan University of Science and Technology

Mogren, Khartoum

  • #1401+ QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • MediumResearch Output
  • 45,909Total Students
  • 1,532Faculty
  • 539Int'l Students


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The history of the Sudan University of Science and Technology goes back to 1950 when Khartoum Technical Institute (KTI) was founded to graduate qualified technicians in the fields of buildings and commercial studies. In 1975 all technical institutes in Sudan were merged with KTI to form what was known as Khartoum Ploytechnique (KP). In 1990 the KP was upgraded to a university named Sudan University of Science and Technology, with all the Institutes changed to Collages. The growth of the University was very rapid during the second decade of its establishment.

By 2009, the University is comprising 19 colleges distributed a among 9 campuses in Khartoum, with total student population of 24000 at the B.Sc. level, 31000 at the Diploma level, and 5000 postgraduate students. In addition 5000 students are enrolled in distance education programs. The diversified colleges of the University reflect the constant endeavour to seek knowledge in all fields to produce successful graduates and a successful nation.


The history of the Sudan University of Science and Technology goes back to 1950 when Khartoum Technical Institute (KTI) was founded to graduate qualified technicians in the fields of buildings and commercial studies. In 1975 all technical institutes in Sudan were merged with KTI to form what was known as Khartoum Ploytechnique (KP). In 1990 the KP was upgraded to a university named Sudan University of Science and Technology, with all the Institutes changed to Collages. The growth of the University was very rapid during the second decade of its establishment.

By 2009, the University is comprising 19 colleges distributed a among 9 campuses in Khartoum, with total student population of 24000 at the B.Sc. level, 31000 at the Diploma level, and 5000 postgraduate students. In addition 5000 students are enrolled in distance education programs. The diversified colleges of the University reflect the constant endeavour to seek knowledge in all fields to produce successful graduates and a successful nation.

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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