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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech)

#43, Sec.4, Keelung Rd., Taipei

  • #392 QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • Very HighResearch Output
  • 9,112Total Students
  • 996Faculty
  • 1,386Int'l Students


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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST, also known as Taiwan Tech) is a technological university located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taiwan Tech was established on August 1, 1974 as the first and leading higher education of its kind within Taiwan’s technological university system. Taiwan Tech’s 14 departments and 24 graduate programs are organized into 6 colleges: College of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Management, College of Design, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, and College of Applied Sciences. The vision of Taiwan Tech is to build an international applied research university, producing high-tech and management personnel that can compete on a global level, thus supporting the future growth of our nation and society. The goals of Taiwan Tech are to employ multifaceted excellence, innovative expertise, technology integration, and holistic education; while recruiting internationally-renowned professors to help us achieve cutting-edge breakthroughs in all aspects of teaching and research, thus leading the development of the entire academic and research institutions, and also local industry, hence boosting Taiwan national ability to compete on a global stage.


National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST, also known as Taiwan Tech) is a technological university located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taiwan Tech was established on August 1, 1974 as the first and leading higher education of its kind within Taiwan’s technological university system. Taiwan Tech’s 14 departments and 24 graduate programs are organized into 6 colleges: College of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Management, College of Design, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, and College of Applied Sciences. The vision of Taiwan Tech is to build an international applied research university, producing high-tech and management personnel that can compete on a global level, thus supporting the future growth of our nation and society. The goals of Taiwan Tech are to employ multifaceted excellence, innovative expertise, technology integration, and holistic education; while recruiting internationally-renowned professors to help us achieve cutting-edge breakthroughs in all aspects of teaching and research, thus leading the development of the entire academic and research institutions, and also local industry, hence boosting Taiwan national ability to compete on a global stage.

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2012
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations

#43, Sec.4, Keelung Rd., Taipei, TW,

#43, Sec.4, Keelung Rd. , Taipei , Taiwan , 10607

#43, Sec.4, Keelung Rd., Taipei, TW,

#43, Sec.4, Keelung Rd. , Taipei , Taiwan , 106

Test preparations

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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) basic Public Very High 9 no 1386 M EN