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Lingnan University, Hong Kong

8 Castle Peak Rd, Tuen Mun

  • #711-720 QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • Very HighResearch Output
  • 5,388Total Students
  • 395Faculty
  • 2,756Int'l Students


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Lingnan University offers 25 taught master’s degrees and 25 MPhils and PhDs, including:

  • Accounting
  • Business
  • Organisational psychology
  • Finance
  • Cultural studies
  • E-business and supply chain management
  • Education
  • Policy Studies

Browse all postgraduate courses at our website or prospectus. (Prospectus for TPg programmes / Prospectus for MPhil and PhD programmes)

To be eligible for postgraduate study at Lingnan University, you would need a relevant first-class or second-class degree from a recognised institution (or any international equivalent). For PhDs, you would also need a master's degree.

Average tuition fees for international students are US$10,800 for full-time degrees and US$7,200 for part-time degrees, although postgraduate scholarships and studentships are available for international and local students. Explore funding here.

Find Lingnan University on Facebook, Weibo, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

100% Student Residency: we have 10 hostel blocks with 2,600 hostel places. The diverse hostel activities and immense interaction with students of different disciplines and cultural background creates an environment that is conducive to transformation of students from protected teenagers into independent and caring young leaders of broad exposure and international perspectives. For more info, please refer to: https://www.ln.edu.hk/campus-life


Library: Since our beginning in 1968, the Library has grown to hold more than 538,500 volumes of books, bound journals and audio-visual materials. In order to keep up with the speedy pace of technology advancement, the Library has introduced a wide range of electronic services, such as online full-text databases, CD-ROMs, wireless LAN and different types of automatic alert services. For more info, please refer to: http://www.library.ln.edu.hk/


Sports Complex: We offer plenty of sports programmes for students to develop a healthy lifestyle and provide a variety of sports facilities for promotion of students’ total well-being. Both indoor and outdoor sports facilities are provided in our Sports Complex. Air-conditioned indoor facilities include the Jackie Chan Gymnasium, 2 squash courts, 2 table tennis rooms, a multi-purpose room and the Lam Kau Yiu Fitness Centre. Outdoor facilities include the Tin Ka Ping Swimming Pool, tennis court and the Multi-purpose Outdoor Sports Ground.

At Lingnan, learning is not confined to the classroom. It is a place where students can acquire knowledge and life skills through multi-faceted experiences. Come and experience the campus life in our multi-cultural vibrant environment.

Hostel life is an essential part of Lingnan’s liberal arts education. In 2014, we became the only university in Hong Kong that provides 4-year full residency for undergraduates and we now have 10 hostel blocks with 2,600 hostel places. The diverse hostel activities and immense interaction with students of different disciplines and cultural background creates an environment that is conducive to transformation of students from protected teenagers into independent and caring young leaders of broad exposure and international perspectives.

Experiential learning is conducive to students’ whole-person development. The co-curricular provisions offer a wide range of learning opportunities complementing the formal curriculum. Students also have many opportunities to learn through participating in field trips and study tours.

Our students participate in Exchange Programmes to widen their horizons and acquire the necessary global-mindedness during their university education. Over the years, Lingnan has established exchange partnerships with 180+ higher education institutions in about 40 countries which provide abundant exchange opportunities each year. About 80% of our undergraduate students can spend a term abroad for exchange or participate in short-term summer programmes.

We are the first university in Hong Kong to set up an individual office in 2006 to focus on Service-Learning (S-L), which enables students to put theory into practice and deliver meaningful services to the community using their academic knowledge. The Office of Service-Learning makes available a wide variety of local, mainland and overseas for students. In 2016-17, S-L will become a graduate requirement, signifying our commitment to community engagement and deep learning through experience.

We offer a wide range of overseas, mainland and local internship opportunities for students to gain experience in the real working situations, broaden their exposure in culturally diverse and rich environments, and equip them with the requisite skills for future career development.


Lingnan University offers 25 taught master’s degrees and 25 MPhils and PhDs, including:

  • Accounting
  • Business
  • Organisational psychology
  • Finance
  • Cultural studies
  • E-business and supply chain management
  • Education
  • Policy Studies

Browse all postgraduate courses at our website or prospectus. (Prospectus for TPg programmes / Prospectus for MPhil and PhD programmes)

To be eligible for postgraduate study at Lingnan University, you would need a relevant first-class or second-class degree from a recognised institution (or any international equivalent). For PhDs, you would also need a master's degree.

Average tuition fees for international students are US$10,800 for full-time degrees and US$7,200 for part-time degrees, although postgraduate scholarships and studentships are available for international and local students. Explore funding here.

Find Lingnan University on Facebook, Weibo, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

100% Student Residency: we have 10 hostel blocks with 2,600 hostel places. The diverse hostel activities and immense interaction with students of different disciplines and cultural background creates an environment that is conducive to transformation of students from protected teenagers into independent and caring young leaders of broad exposure and international perspectives. For more info, please refer to: https://www.ln.edu.hk/campus-life


Library: Since our beginning in 1968, the Library has grown to hold more than 538,500 volumes of books, bound journals and audio-visual materials. In order to keep up with the speedy pace of technology advancement, the Library has introduced a wide range of electronic services, such as online full-text databases, CD-ROMs, wireless LAN and different types of automatic alert services. For more info, please refer to: http://www.library.ln.edu.hk/


Sports Complex: We offer plenty of sports programmes for students to develop a healthy lifestyle and provide a variety of sports facilities for promotion of students’ total well-being. Both indoor and outdoor sports facilities are provided in our Sports Complex. Air-conditioned indoor facilities include the Jackie Chan Gymnasium, 2 squash courts, 2 table tennis rooms, a multi-purpose room and the Lam Kau Yiu Fitness Centre. Outdoor facilities include the Tin Ka Ping Swimming Pool, tennis court and the Multi-purpose Outdoor Sports Ground.

At Lingnan, learning is not confined to the classroom. It is a place where students can acquire knowledge and life skills through multi-faceted experiences. Come and experience the campus life in our multi-cultural vibrant environment.

Hostel life is an essential part of Lingnan’s liberal arts education. In 2014, we became the only university in Hong Kong that provides 4-year full residency for undergraduates and we now have 10 hostel blocks with 2,600 hostel places. The diverse hostel activities and immense interaction with students of different disciplines and cultural background creates an environment that is conducive to transformation of students from protected teenagers into independent and caring young leaders of broad exposure and international perspectives.

Experiential learning is conducive to students’ whole-person development. The co-curricular provisions offer a wide range of learning opportunities complementing the formal curriculum. Students also have many opportunities to learn through participating in field trips and study tours.

Our students participate in Exchange Programmes to widen their horizons and acquire the necessary global-mindedness during their university education. Over the years, Lingnan has established exchange partnerships with 180+ higher education institutions in about 40 countries which provide abundant exchange opportunities each year. About 80% of our undergraduate students can spend a term abroad for exchange or participate in short-term summer programmes.

We are the first university in Hong Kong to set up an individual office in 2006 to focus on Service-Learning (S-L), which enables students to put theory into practice and deliver meaningful services to the community using their academic knowledge. The Office of Service-Learning makes available a wide variety of local, mainland and overseas for students. In 2016-17, S-L will become a graduate requirement, signifying our commitment to community engagement and deep learning through experience.

We offer a wide range of overseas, mainland and local internship opportunities for students to gain experience in the real working situations, broaden their exposure in culturally diverse and rich environments, and equip them with the requisite skills for future career development.

Available programs

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations

Lingnan University,

8 Castle Peak Rd , Tuen Mun , Hong Kong SAR China ,

English language requirements

Lingnan University, Hong Kong EN