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K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

A.Moldagulova Prospect, 34, Aktobe

  • PublicStatus
  • MediumResearch Output
  • 9,822Total Students
  • 820Faculty
  • 1,624Int'l Students


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K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University is located in the city center of Aktobe, Kazakhstan.

Some of the university’s top qualities include educational direction, science, a good reputation for being the exclusive regional university in all the Western Kazakhstan.

Programs are taught in Kazakh and Russian, and English is for multilingual groups.

There are also courses for teaching foreign languages (Korean, Turkish, Chinese, and Polish), and the university hopes to open the Goethe Institute to teach German.

There are eight campuses at the university. The main building houses three faculties (Pedagogical, Professional and Creative, and the Faculty of Natural Science), and there is a second campus nearby (the Technical Faculty and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics).

The Economics faculty is located on Altynsarin street 4, the Philosophy faculty is on Grishin street 7, and the History faculty is located on Turgenev street 100A.  

The university also has sporting facilities.

Currently, there are 523 foreign students studying at the university. The student body consists of 80 percent Kazakhs, 15 percent Russians, and five percent foreign students.

Students live both on and off campus.

The accommodation has:

  • Reading room
  • Library
  • Office for the educational Council
  • Office for activists
  • Assembly hall
  • Concert hall
  • Medical center
  • Computer room with wi-fi

To earn an educational state scholarship, hopefuls must:

  • Be a representative of the Kazakh Diaspora
  • Mandatory participation in the UNT (Unified National Test)

The UNT is held in the following disciplines:

  • History of Kazakhstan
  • Mathematical literacy
  • Reading literacy (language of instruction)
  • Profile subject – 1
  • Profile subject – 2

To make sure you pass the UNT exam, you must ensure you achieve at least 50 points, whereas pedagogical educational programs require at least 60 points.

For the exam, you must earn at least five points in the history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy (in the taught language of the program and two specialized subjects).

Those who have passed on related specialties in reduced educational programs with an accelerated period of study (after college) must score at least 25 points for admission – with at least five points in the general field discipline and profile discipline, with the exception of those entering a specialty that requires passing creative exams.

Applicants who have passed creative exams are accepted for professional and creative educational programs.

The university announced that the statistical employment data (the percentage of graduates who found a job as of 21.11.2019) is 59.8 percent.
The university also has an agreement with different schools and organizations for internships. Visit the Alumni Association page to find out where graduates of Zhubanov University are registered.


K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University is located in the city center of Aktobe, Kazakhstan.

Some of the university’s top qualities include educational direction, science, a good reputation for being the exclusive regional university in all the Western Kazakhstan.

Programs are taught in Kazakh and Russian, and English is for multilingual groups.

There are also courses for teaching foreign languages (Korean, Turkish, Chinese, and Polish), and the university hopes to open the Goethe Institute to teach German.

There are eight campuses at the university. The main building houses three faculties (Pedagogical, Professional and Creative, and the Faculty of Natural Science), and there is a second campus nearby (the Technical Faculty and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics).

The Economics faculty is located on Altynsarin street 4, the Philosophy faculty is on Grishin street 7, and the History faculty is located on Turgenev street 100A.  

The university also has sporting facilities.

Currently, there are 523 foreign students studying at the university. The student body consists of 80 percent Kazakhs, 15 percent Russians, and five percent foreign students.

Students live both on and off campus.

The accommodation has:

  • Reading room
  • Library
  • Office for the educational Council
  • Office for activists
  • Assembly hall
  • Concert hall
  • Medical center
  • Computer room with wi-fi

To earn an educational state scholarship, hopefuls must:

  • Be a representative of the Kazakh Diaspora
  • Mandatory participation in the UNT (Unified National Test)

The UNT is held in the following disciplines:

  • History of Kazakhstan
  • Mathematical literacy
  • Reading literacy (language of instruction)
  • Profile subject – 1
  • Profile subject – 2

To make sure you pass the UNT exam, you must ensure you achieve at least 50 points, whereas pedagogical educational programs require at least 60 points.

For the exam, you must earn at least five points in the history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy (in the taught language of the program and two specialized subjects).

Those who have passed on related specialties in reduced educational programs with an accelerated period of study (after college) must score at least 25 points for admission – with at least five points in the general field discipline and profile discipline, with the exception of those entering a specialty that requires passing creative exams.

Applicants who have passed creative exams are accepted for professional and creative educational programs.

The university announced that the statistical employment data (the percentage of graduates who found a job as of 21.11.2019) is 59.8 percent.
The university also has an agreement with different schools and organizations for internships. Visit the Alumni Association page to find out where graduates of Zhubanov University are registered.

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations

Primary campus,

A.Moldagulova Prospect, 34 , Aktobe , Aktobe state , Kazakhstan , 030000

History Faculty,

Turgenev street,100 A , Aktobe , Aktobe state , Kazakhstan ,

Philological faculty,

Grishin street, 7A , Aktobe , Aktobe state , Kazakhstan , 030000

Technical faculty,

Br.Zhubanov street, 263 , Aktobe , Aktobe state , Kazakhstan , 030000

Faculty of Economics and Law,

Altynsarin street,4 , Aktobe , Aktobe state , Kazakhstan , 030000

The Physics and Mathematics faculty,

Br.Zhubanov street, 263 , Aktobe , Aktobe state , Kazakhstan , 030000

+ 3 More Locations
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