Al-Balqa Applied University

Al-Balqa Applied University, As-Salt

  • #1401+ QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • MediumResearch Output
  • 28,912Total Students
  • 1,341Faculty
  • 446Int'l Students


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Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU) is an official public Jordanian university, BAU is distinguished by its applied education at the bachelor and diploma levels, specially in the engineering fields, and the overall character of its specializations is the scientific nature. BAU was founded in 22-8-1996, and teaching has started in the academic year 1997/1998, before that it was a number of scattered colleges across the country. BAU is a leading institution in qualifying human resources in both levels of higher education (vocational and technical) and endorsing scientific research for local communities socio-economic development. BAU provides the Jordan Market with distinguished highly qualified graduates fulfilling the demands of the Jordan Market with experts and professional employment accordingly of high standards responds to the exchangeable market’s needs technically and systematically . Is a Jordanian official, the advantage of education, applied at the level of bachelor's and diploma, and in particular in the areas of engineering, and overwhelm the overall character of scientific specialties. BAU provides the Jordan Market with distinguished highly qualified graduates fulfilling the demands of the Jordan Market with experts and professional employment accordingly of high standards responds to the exchangeable market’s needs technically and systematically .


Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU) is an official public Jordanian university, BAU is distinguished by its applied education at the bachelor and diploma levels, specially in the engineering fields, and the overall character of its specializations is the scientific nature. BAU was founded in 22-8-1996, and teaching has started in the academic year 1997/1998, before that it was a number of scattered colleges across the country. BAU is a leading institution in qualifying human resources in both levels of higher education (vocational and technical) and endorsing scientific research for local communities socio-economic development. BAU provides the Jordan Market with distinguished highly qualified graduates fulfilling the demands of the Jordan Market with experts and professional employment accordingly of high standards responds to the exchangeable market’s needs technically and systematically . Is a Jordanian official, the advantage of education, applied at the level of bachelor's and diploma, and in particular in the areas of engineering, and overwhelm the overall character of scientific specialties. BAU provides the Jordan Market with distinguished highly qualified graduates fulfilling the demands of the Jordan Market with experts and professional employment accordingly of high standards responds to the exchangeable market’s needs technically and systematically .

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

As-Salt Campus,

Al-Balqa Applied University , As-Salt , Jordan ,

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