Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Academic offer of graduate programs
Currently, there is an academic offer of 18 Postgraduate Programs in classroom mode and 1 Postgraduate program in online mode.
The broad fields of knowledge, in reference to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), in which they are classified are the following:
• Broad field of Education, with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Education, Technology and Innovation.
- Master in Physical Education and Sports Training.
- Research Master in Pedagogy with Mention in Teaching and Educational Innovation.
• Wide field of social sciences, journalism, information and law, with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Local Development.
- Master in Social Work with Mention in Social Projects.
- Master of Medical Law.
- Master in Constitutional Law with Mention in Constitutional Procedural Law.
- Master in Communication with a Major in Digital Communication.
• Wide field of Administration, with the following master's degrees:
-Masters of Business Administration.
- Master in Accounting and Auditing with Mention in Tax Management.
- Master of Business Administration with a Major in Project Management and Direction.
• Broad field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Information Technology.
• Wide field of Engineering, industry and construction, with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Renewable Energies.
- Master in Civil Engineering with Mention in Seismic Resistant Structures.
- Professional Master's Degree in Construction with a minor in Sustainable Construction Management.
• Wide field of Health and wellness, with the following master's degrees:
- Specialization in Orthodontics (Matriz Cuenca and Sede Azogues).
- Master in Care Management.
- Master in Clinical Psychology with Mention in Psychotherapy.
- Master's Degree in Clinical and Molecular Laboratory Diagnosis.
Academic offer of graduate programs
Currently, there is an academic offer of 18 Postgraduate Programs in classroom mode and 1 Postgraduate program in online mode.
The broad fields of knowledge, in reference to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), in which they are classified are the following:
• Broad field of Education, with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Education, Technology and Innovation.
- Master in Physical Education and Sports Training.
- Research Master in Pedagogy with Mention in Teaching and Educational Innovation.
• Wide field of social sciences, journalism, information and law, with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Local Development.
- Master in Social Work with Mention in Social Projects.
- Master of Medical Law.
- Master in Constitutional Law with Mention in Constitutional Procedural Law.
- Master in Communication with a Major in Digital Communication.
• Wide field of Administration, with the following master's degrees:
-Masters of Business Administration.
- Master in Accounting and Auditing with Mention in Tax Management.
- Master of Business Administration with a Major in Project Management and Direction.
• Broad field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Information Technology.
• Wide field of Engineering, industry and construction, with the following master's degrees:
- Master in Renewable Energies.
- Master in Civil Engineering with Mention in Seismic Resistant Structures.
- Professional Master's Degree in Construction with a minor in Sustainable Construction Management.
• Wide field of Health and wellness, with the following master's degrees:
- Specialization in Orthodontics (Matriz Cuenca and Sede Azogues).
- Master in Care Management.
- Master in Clinical Psychology with Mention in Psychotherapy.
- Master's Degree in Clinical and Molecular Laboratory Diagnosis.
University highlights
- 2024#351-400
- 2025#351-400
Campus locations
Posgrados - La Estancia,
Vía a Patamarca , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010115
Centro de Apoyo Zamora,
Pio Jaramillo Alvarado , Zamora , Zamora Chinchipe , Ecuador , 190101
Centro de Apoyo Tena,
Andrés Rizo , Tena , Napo , Ecuador , 150101
Centro de Apoyo Quito,
Eustaquio Blanco , Quito , Pichincha , Ecuador , 170511
Sede Macas,
Capitán José Villanueva , Macas , Morona santiago , Ecuador , EC140150
Sede San Pablo de La Troncal,
Av. 25 de Agosto , La Troncal , Cañar , Ecuador , 030450
Extensión Cañar,
Vía Chaglaban , Cañar , Cañar , Ecuador , 030204
Sede Azogues,
Av. Ernesto Che Guevara , Azogues , Cañar , Ecuador , 030101
Academia TV,
Sócrates , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010101
Centro de Idiomas,
Borrero , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010105
Casa Administrativa - Odontología,
Av. de las Américas , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010101
Centro de Investigación, Innovación y transferencia Tecnológica (CITT),
Vía a Bibín , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010162
Educación Continua,
Bolivar , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010111
Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales,
Vargas Machuca , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010104
Unidad Académica de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación,
Vargas Machuca , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010104
Unidad Académica de Administración,
Bolivar , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010104
Medicina - Hospital Universitario,
Manuel Vega , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010105
Ingeniería Agronómica - Veterinaria - Enfermería,
Panamericana Norte , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010108
Unidad Académica de Ingeniería, Industria y Construcción,
General Torres , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010101
Educación - Psicología Clínica - Bioquímica y Farmacia,
Tarqui , Cuenca , Azuay , Ecuador , 010101