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Scholarships to Study Abroad

Scholarships to Study Abroad

QS Staff Writer

更新日期 November 21, 2024 更新日期 November 21

Looking to study abroad but worried about the costs? Good news! There are hundreds of scholarships to study abroad, including general scholarships and more specialized funding schemes. Some are offered by government agencies, some by individual universities, and others by external funding organizations and charitable enterprises.

Searching through all the international scholarships out there can be a pretty mammoth task. But we’ve tried to make this easier by creating lists of scholarships to study abroad, grouped into various categories.

These include lists of international scholarships to study abroad in a particular country, scholarships to study a particular subject, and scholarships targeting particular groups of students. Browse the lists below to see which categories apply to you – and away you go!

For more advice, visit our Scholarship Applications FAQ, or download our complete guide on How to Find Scholarships to Study Abroad.

Region-specific scholarships:

Country-specific scholarships:

Subject-specific scholarships:

Student-specific scholarships:

Other scholarships:

Note: this page was originally created in June 2013, and is regularly updated with new scholarship listings.

本文首发于 2018 January , 更新于 2024 November 。





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