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  • #=63 QS全球排名
  • Public高校性质
  • Very High研究成果
  • 41,742学生人数
  • 4,543教员人数
  • 8,714国际学生人数


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This new French university draws on centuries of tradition in research and education. By joining two leading Paris universities*, an exceptional centre of knowledge has been recreated under the world-renowned Sorbonne name.

Sorbonne University is a world-class research university, presenting the comprehensive disciplinary range of arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering and medicine. Sorbonne University’s approach to education and research is designed for the intellectual and scientific challenges of the 21st century.

The University offers its 53,400 students the best educational opportunities for the success of each of their personal and professional projects, through monodisciplinary, bi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs. 10,200 of its students are international and 4,400 are in doctoral programs. With its three main faculties, it offers varied and original opportunities across disciplines.

Sorbonne University research has more than 3,400 professor-researchers in its laboratories and partners with major French research organisations. The university has exceptional transdisciplinary institutes and is also the headquarters for the European Marine Biological Research Centre.

Sorbonne University is an institution with a global outlook that conducts an ambitious international policy of education and research with a high social impact. Sorbonne University has established a network of strategic partners in an alliance that mobilizes all the university’s technical and professional expertise.

* Paris-Sorbonne and Pierre & Marie Curie Universities



This new French university draws on centuries of tradition in research and education. By joining two leading Paris universities*, an exceptional centre of knowledge has been recreated under the world-renowned Sorbonne name.

Sorbonne University is a world-class research university, presenting the comprehensive disciplinary range of arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering and medicine. Sorbonne University’s approach to education and research is designed for the intellectual and scientific challenges of the 21st century.

The University offers its 53,400 students the best educational opportunities for the success of each of their personal and professional projects, through monodisciplinary, bi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs. 10,200 of its students are international and 4,400 are in doctoral programs. With its three main faculties, it offers varied and original opportunities across disciplines.

Sorbonne University research has more than 3,400 professor-researchers in its laboratories and partners with major French research organisations. The university has exceptional transdisciplinary institutes and is also the headquarters for the European Marine Biological Research Centre.

Sorbonne University is an institution with a global outlook that conducts an ambitious international policy of education and research with a high social impact. Sorbonne University has established a network of strategic partners in an alliance that mobilizes all the university’s technical and professional expertise.

* Paris-Sorbonne and Pierre & Marie Curie Universities


University highlights

Student & Staff

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Total students

International students

Total faculty staff

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Sorbonne University basic Public Very High 9 no 8714 XL CN