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The Surprising Benefits of Graduating with a Dual Degree

The Surprising Benefits of Graduating with a Dual Degree

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Updated January 27, 2022 Updated January 27

Sponsored by IULM

Are you considering embarking on a dual, double or joint degree? Students have so many study options nowadays, it can be confusing to decipher some of the higher education lingo.

Dual degrees, also known as double degrees, are courses which award two degrees instead of one, and in less time than it would have taken to study the two degrees consecutively.

They aren’t to be confused with joint honors degrees, which involve splitting your time between two subjects - such as French and Spanish - or joint degrees, which are single-diploma degrees designed by two or more universities, although dual degrees do also involve studying at two different institutions.

For instance, the Milan-based university IULM offers students enrolled to its dual degree program in Hospitality and Tourism Management the possibility to spend a year at the University of Central Florida in the US or Université Grenoble Alpes in France or a semester at a partner institution. Or, if you’d rather study a master’s in Strategic Communication, then you can earn a Postgraduate Certificate in Marketing Communications – in addition to the Italian degree (Laurea Magistrale) -  by choosing to study at Huddersfield University during the second term of your second year.

These opportunities to study at a different university and in a different country are a fantastic chance to learn a new language and earn a diploma from a recognized university abroad, something which is particularly useful if you want to work abroad in the country you end up studying in. Upon graduation, IULM students studying Hospitality and Tourism Management spending a year at the University of Central Florida obtain the eligibility to work for 12 months in the US. Moreover, this extra experience will also ensure your CV is able to be more competitive in the domestic labor market.

Studying and living abroad has several other, less noticeable, impacts which should also be considered. Immersing yourself in another culture is a great way to develop a more open-minded attitude and experience what it’s like for people from different backgrounds than yourself. Plus, the skills you’ll learn in collaborating with students from other countries will prepare you perfectly for modern, international workplaces.

These types of degrees are particularly popular in the travel and tourism industries. Manuela De Carlo, who is a lecturer at IULM, explains why.

She says: “Companies are very interested in our programs because they are different. In this sector, an international perspective is very important as is the ability to travel to work in a different country.

“Companies working in the tourism sector tend to transfer their employees from country to country, hence a great ability to adapt is required. This can be achieved through a dual degree program abroad.”

Professor Stefania Romenti, who is Coordinator of the Master’s degree course in Strategic Communication at IULM, says: "A dual-degree in the field of communication allows students to aspire to international careers such as being a Global Reputation Manager, which is one of the most important career opportunities of the Master's Degree in Strategic Communication at IULM University".

The Milan-based university offers two dual degrees fully taught in English: a Master in Strategic Communication and a Master in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Both courses offer the possibility to specialize, complete work experience and international experience.

The Master in Strategic Communication is ideal for anyone looking to pursue a career as a communication specialist, stakeholder relationship manager, global reputation manager or a strategic communication manager.

The Master in Hospitality and Tourism Management, on the other hand, is perfect for students seeking to work as hospitality managers, online travel and digital marketers, event managers,  or experience design and destination managers.

This article was originally published in July 2018 . It was last updated in January 2022
