We have scheduled maintenance for qschina.cn on 20/02/2025, starting at 3:30 PM UTC, and expected to last 1 hour. During the maintenance, qschina.cn will be temporarily unavailable. 我们计划于2025年2月20日下午3点30分(UTC)对qschina.cn进行维护,维护时间预计为1小时,维护期间qschina.cn将暂时不可用。


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test sana 123
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QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations


adr , California , United States , 90210


666 Devilish Road, Round the corner, London, GB,

666 Devilish Road , London , United Kingdom , SW17 7LF

1 Tranley Mews, London, GB,

1 Tranley Mews , London , London , United Kingdom , NW3 2DG

test, test, AF,

test , test , Afghanistan , 3434

Test CAmpus name 2,

My home!! , Andorra , 12345

Foggy Bottom Campus,

21st St NW , Washington , Columbia , United States , 20052

+ 4 More Locations

English language requirements

QS University (Test) CN