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Which Type of Student Are You?

Which Type of Student Are You?

Laura Bridgestock

更新日期 September 13, 2021 更新日期 September 13

Analytical? Creative? Nerdy? Scruffy? Driven? Which type of student are you, and do you match the stereotypes about your subject?

Ahead of the launch of the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015, we asked students to describe their peers in different subject areas – with some interesting results! Watch the video above to see if you can guess which types of student are being described…

So: which type of student are you, and do you and your friends match the stereotypes about your own subject? Are all business students money-obsessed and all arts students sloths before noon? Could you predict a student’s major just by looking at his or her outfit? Are engineers really better at solving problems, and history students packed with facts?

Share your own experiences in the comments below, and follow us on YouTube to find out which students were being discussed in the video!

本文首发于 2015 February , 更新于 2021 September 。


The former editor of TopUniversities.com, Laura oversaw the site's editorial content and student forums. She also edited the QS Top Grad School Guide and contributed to market research reports, including 'How Do Students Use Rankings?'





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